How to Follow Well


Most of my life, I’ve wanted to be a leader in some capacity. I would always look at my teachers, youth leaders, or small group leaders with a little envy mixed in with my awe. They got to call the shots, choose what we spoke about, speak deeply into people’s lives, and really seemed to make a difference in the world around them.

I wanted to do that- to be heard and be impactful. Being a leader just seemed like you actually made it, like you knew what was going on and you were excelling at it! Our culture praises being a leader, and says that it’s something worthy of working towards, and I think it can be! But everyone can’t be a leader.

The older I get, the more I’m realizing the importance of being a good follower. It’s important to mention that in the context of church, a good leader is Biblically sound, kind, honest, and a loving leader. But even beyond this, as believers, we should be great employees and followers in other areas as well.

So, what marks a good follower? I instantly think of a story from 1 Samuel 14. Jonathan decides to sneak away from his father’s camp to go to the Philistine garrison that held control of the pass his father’s army needed to go through. He takes only his armor bearer, crossing over sharp rocks, and looks at his armor bearer and this exchange happens:

“Come on, let’s cross over to the garrison of these uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will help us. Nothing can keep the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few."

His armor bearer responded, ‘Do what is in your heart. You choose. I’m right here with you whatever you decide.’“ (1 Samuel 14:6-7)

How powerful. How trusting. They were heavily outnumbered, the odds were not in their favor, and still his armor bearer said “I’m with you!” I think that’s the first mark of a good follower- solid trust. A shepherd can’t lead a sheep well that isn’t cooperative. We have to trust our leadership deeply. Trust their relationship with the Lord, trust that they are seeking the Lord, and trust their guidance even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

Again, worth mentioning, I am speaking strictly about good, Biblical leadership. The armor bearer was probably scared, and maybe even thought Jonathon was a little crazy, but he trusted him enough to go with him. How would that change how we interact at church? If we deeply trusted our leadership, would it not be so much easier to support and come under their vision?

Into the second mark of a good follower – someone who will come alongside and help make their vision a reality. If we keep reading, Jonathon believes that God gave him the go-ahead to approach camp, so he comes and cuts them down, and the armor bearer finishes them off. They struck down about twenty men- just the two of them! The armor bearer was right there, ready to do whatever Jonathan needed. We can and should be doing that for our leaders, I’m sure that coming alongside them won’t be near as dangerous as approaching a Philistine camp. I do think his armor bearer was able to follow so well because he saw and trusted Jonathan’s vision of the victory. He looked to come beside and make it a reality, he didn’t complain or try to change Jonathan’s mind.

I’m sure I don’t need to draw the parallel but just in case, this is how we are to follow Christ as well - trusting deeply and chasing the vision He has for us. Christ is the ultimate leader, and our lives must be marked by truly following Him. Psalm 23 lays out a beautiful picture of our caring and strong Shepherd, and how we are to respond in that. We go through the valley of the shadow of death, trusting that He is with us. We lie down in green pastures that He brought us to. Our lives will always be more about following than leading, so we should learn to do it well and joyfully.

Just for fun, here is a list of four easy and practical things to do to follow well and minister to the leaders in your life:

  1. Pray for them! Basic I know, but they need it. Ask your pastor, small group leader, or mentor how you can be praying for them and do it!
  2. Ask them how to support them and follow through with it. Again, basic but there may be a need you don’t know about! Maybe they need help setting up or tearing down an event, maybe they need a snack for small group, or maybe they just need to know they have someone if they need it. It never hurts to ask.
  3. Encourage them! Tell them how they have impacted your life, what you love about their ministry or life, or share an encouraging Scripture with them.
  4. Show up! Come to small group, to service, or to events faithfully. Be fully present, ready to engage, and be a part of the Body of Christ.

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.Hebrews 13:17
